Wednesday, 30 May 2012

GIMP and embroidery effect without additional plugins or patterns

This is as close as I could get with limited time:
  1. Using your image make background transparent (cut out the background)
  2. Duplicate this layer
  3. Hide main layer and select dupe layer
  4. Filters->Distorts->Engrave...: Height=4; Limit line width=on
  5. Filters->Distorts->Emboss...: Function=Emboss; Azimuth=80; Elevation=140; Depth=5
  6. Filters->Decor->Add Bevel...: Thickness=10; Work on copy=on; Keep bump layer=on
  7. Show and select main layer
  8. Filters->Map->Bump Map...:
    Bump map: select dupe layer
    Map type: Sinusoidal
    Compensate for darkening: on
    Invert bumpmap: on
    Tile bumpmap: off
    Azimuth: 17.56
    Elevation: 50.71
    Depth: 47
    X offset: 0
    Y offset: 0
    Waterlevel: 201
    Ambient: 193

Settings may vary depends on the original image or desired effect. I am sure there is a way of achieving a better result by tweaking and applying other effects, like shining, etc.

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